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More than a decade ago, ASU set forth a new and ambitious trajectory to become a comprehensive knowledge enterprise dedicated to the simultaneous pursuit of excellence, broad access to quality education, and meaningful societal impact. From that point forward, and founded on a vision for a new “gold standard”, all of its energy, creativity and manpower have been brought to bear on the design of a uniquely adaptive and transdisciplinary university committed to producing master learners.

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ASU Charter and Goals What Others Are Saying

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ASU believes that learning is for everyone, which is why it has evolved a student-centric model that supports innovation, agility, change and collaboration to meet the needs of our learners. ASU’s success is measured by how its graduates thrive and their ability to tackle the world's most complex challenges

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Learn about ASU's charter, mission and goals for 2025 and beyond.

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Eight design aspirations guide ASU's transformation.

Designing the New American University

ASU president Michael Crow has penned a book about transforming higher education

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Video of ASU charter

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ASU established its first ever Charter, a comprehensive document focusing the university's mission on the inclusion and success of all its students, and on a fundamental social responsibility to the communities ASU serves.


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New American University: Toward 2025 and Beyond (PDF)

ASU Excellence


Community Conversation 2023: The Velocity of Change

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Syncing up ASU’s classrooms for live-hosted digital classes

The year 2023 is no traditional year. But Arizona State University is no traditional institution, which means university leaders have been preparing for weeks to create a seamless, socially responsible classroom experience for the fall 2023 semester — amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The University Technology Office has been preparing classrooms at all ASU campuses for a new learning approach: ASU...

Improving business with philosophy

Tom Fournier had a successful career in engineering and business management and after co-founding and selling a company that measured automotive pollution for governments, he was able to retire early at 55 years old. The following two years were spent dabbling in hobbies as a private pilot and a skydiver and volunteering at Tucson’s Community Food Bank and Literacy Connects...


In 2015, world leaders agreed to establish 17 objectives aimed at achieving a better world by 2030: among them, an end to poverty and hunger, clean water and energy, gender equality and decent work. Together, they are called the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It was announced Wednesday that Arizona State University ranks top in the U.S. and fifth in...
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